Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Kathy Skomp

Kathy Skomp

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 We are now on day 7  and you will get to meet
Kathy Skomp

Where did you grow up?

in a tiny town in the mountains of North Carolina
How many years have you been in the industry?
 I grew up in a fabric store. My mother and grandmother were upholstery and drapery makers. They also sold fabrics. I learned to sew by picking fabric scraps up off the work room floor and sewing on huge industrial machines. I have been in fabric sales as a career for myself for 7 years- first owning a quilt shop and designing patterns and now working as a fabric sales rep for Moda
Favorite past time / hobbies?
 I love to get together with my friends and quilt and my husband and I spend a lot of time watching sports. (particularly our son's high school basketball team that he coaches.)
Tell a funny story about being on the road...
 I see the most bazaar things on the road. A few weeks ago, I passed the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile. I have also passed a giant statue of a hand on the back of a huge carrier that was getting a police escort. At a gas station, I saw in a car, a bird that could bark like a dog. I've seen a robbery in progress, a car with 2 Elvis look-alikes (in a Cadillac), and a road side stand that sold "Live Bait and Fried Pies".
What did you want to be when you were 12 years old?
 A lawyer and a photographer
What is your favorite childhood memory?
 We did not have a lot of extras, but we always took a vacation to the beach.  We stayed in the same little motel efficiency and we could swim all day. My mom always made spaghetti and we always played putt putt golf.
Tell us about another job you had...
Middle School Math Teacher and Marketing and Sales for an International Soccer Company
Tell us about your beloved?
 My husband, Mark loves to fish, hike and read really boring books. Together we have hiked some of the Appalachian Trail and he would love it if I would go fishing with him more. He loves beautiful fabric and thinks quilt shops are the most beautiful retail concept ever. He has had a long career as a National Sales Manager in the sporting goods industry and he helps me by making appointments, etc. My shops say he is doing a good job. Maybe I should double his salary. OK- $0 x 2 = Still $0.  He must love his job!
Name 5 things always found in your fridge?
 Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Coke, Crystal Light, String Cheese and a take out box left from the night before or the week before...
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
 If I had something I loved better than bread, I would weigh 20 pounds less!

How would you describe your job to a 5 year old? 
 I help deliver pure happiness and joy to quilters all around.
Name 5 things on your bucket list...
#1- Find time to make a bucket list.
Tell us something about you that most people don't know...
 That I put myself through college teaching swimming lessons and selling popcorn.
Name three things you never leave home without...
My phone, a sweatshirt and a Diet Mtn Dew
My passion is...
Doing the absolute best I can at whatever I am doing

My vice is...
Little Debbie Snack Cakes

My motto is..
.I always told my son... "Find what makes you happy and fulfilled and NEVER back away from something because you think you can not accomplish it. And in all things be honest and hardworking".
If you were not a sales rep, what else would you do?
I would love to be a ridiculously high paid top fashion model that only worked on Mondays.
I collect...
I have collected over the last 22 years- anything and everything related to my son. Pictures, awards, report cards, first lock of hair, napkins from his birthday parties, etc, etc... I have placed these in volumes and volumes of scrap books that I was sure he would want and treasure some day. When I went to present these to him as a college graduation present he said, "Oh, you can keep those". But he loved the golf clubs he got.
If you could create your own bumper sticker, it would read... 
I didn't create it but my favorite is... "Get off the phone and drive"
If you choose a career as a XXX movie star & need a stage name, they say; use the name of your first pet & the street you lived on - what would yours be?
 Ginger Hiawassee- (ooh la la)

Just for fun....
Answer the last question shown above and leave a comment with what your name would be.

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