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Piece and Quilt Sampler QAL
Piece and Quilt Sampler QAL
It is time to CELEBRATE!
Celebrate with Quilts, that is.
Susan Ache @yardgrl60 and I (@modalissa) had so much fun making a block book. We both love blocks and color so when Fat Quarter Shop wanted to do a QAL and choose the Piece and Quilt Sampler we were ecstatic. Each month, we will be making an assortment of blocks in varying sizes.
I love quilts that look like a puzzle to the untrained eye.
- Blocks that don’t necessarily show where they start and end.
- Settings that are not the traditional sashing and cornerstone layouts.
During this QAL you will be making small blocks that border a larger block to make one block, like our first 2 blocks as shown here. The smaller blocks are always the ones that give me trouble so hang in there and take your time, the end result will be worth it.
Some of the blocks will be the same 9” block colored differently and joined together to make an 18” block. I love this process because it is a way of creating a completely different original block.
Some of the blocks use stripes and plaids. I love adding a bit of geometric to the blocks for an added geometric feel. I never met a stripe I did not like, especially for bindings.
Some of the blocks are colored completely differently than the expected layout. This is the fun part of building the puzzle/quilt.
Feel free to add or substitute blocks along the way if you want. While quilting is so therapeutic and following along takes the stress out of decision making, feel free to mix it up a bit to make it your own.
Check back here on the 3rd Monday of each month as we share our block progress and tips. Share your progress using #PieceQuiltSamplerQAL so we can follow along also.
Be sure and check out the following people as they QAL with us.
Francine Blake @buffaloflattsquiltco
Julie Cefalu @thecraftyquilter
Lissa Alexander @modalissa. (that's me!)
Melanie Call @abitofscrapstuff
Melissa Corry @happyquiltingmc
Pat Sloan @quilterpatsloan
Reece McKenzie-Ortolani @hurricanereecequiltystitches
Susan Ache @yardgrl60
Wendy Sheppard @ivory_spring
Join us again here on May 20th for our next instlment of the Piece and Quilt QAL.