A Shop Owner’s Retreat
Moda welcomes you to join us along with some of our top designers, favorite vendors and other sewlebrities for a 4 day retreat filled with educational events, hands on sewing, inspirational discussions and more!
Who: Calling All Moda Shop Owners
What: ModaVation 2.0
When: June 9 – 13, 2025
Where: Moda Headquaters, Dallas TX
Why: Because You and Your Business Are Worth It!
It’s that time again that we invite you and your sewing machines to travel to Dallas, TX for a jam-packed week of education, rejuvenation, hands on sewing with our designers and fun! Join us Monday, June 9 as we kick off the week with a Welcome Cocktail Hour and jump right into the fun! Tuesday – Thursday, will be filled with schoolhouses, a Demo Alley, a behind the scenes peek into Moda, networking and one-of-a-kind sewing projects with our designers’ newest releases and exclusive patterns just for you!
Total Cost for the ModaVation Event is: $2,400 / per person. $2,000 additional guest / per hotel room.
Cost includes:
- All four nights’ hotel room charge (check in Monday, June 9 – depart Friday, June 13)
- All meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
- Hands on projects from the newest releases and exclusive patterns with Janelle Kent, Robin Pickens, Vanessa Goertzen, Heather Briggs, Ruby Star Society and Chrissy Lux
- Demo Alley Hosted by Top Vendors
- Schoolhouses Presented by Sew-Leberties
- Behind the Scenes Tours of Moda Headquarters
- Panel Discussions
- Nighttime Sewing
- Exclusive Swag bag
- ModaVation Tee Shirt
- Educational classes
- Networking
*The most priceless benefit you will take away from ModaVation is lasting inspiration and empowerment to enhance your business*
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.