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BH4-Block 20- Stacy Iest Hsu
BH4-Block 20- Stacy Iest Hsu
Welcome to week 20 of the Blockheads 4 series. Today's designer is Stacy Iest Hsu, and her block is titled Stop-Go.
This year my oldest child worked on getting his driver’s license. When he received his permit, there was much talk about Stopping and Going. When to do each. Sometimes saying one a little louder and repeatedly. As in driving, life has many moments of Stop and Go, times when it feels like it is a constant go go go. And then there are other times when we have a chance to stop and take a breath. My block Stop and Go represents the process of stopping and going literally and figuratively. -Stacy
Stacy has been making four weekly blocks featuring fabrics from her Holiday Essentials collections. Once she is done, she will have it all covered!
She will have a Christmas, Patriotic, Halloween, and Valentine's version. Kudos to her for being such an overachiever.
Download Stacy's Blockhead pattern here.
Around here, we are always excited to see what Stacy will be creating next. Her fabric collections always come with panels to complete various projects such as soft books, stuffed animals, pack-and-go sets, and more.
Her current line is Joyful, Joyful, and includes an adorable nativity set.
If you are looking for this panel, it is Stock #20800 11
There are many more exciting lines and patterns coming from Stacy, so be sure to follow her for all the details. For the next one, you are going to RAWR!
Stacy lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three children. She has been a textile and product designer for over ten years and has designed for such retailers as Janie and Jack, GapKids, Target, and Tiny Prints, among others. Recently she decided to branch out independently to market her own line of original creations. For Stacy, it has been a dream come true to work with Moda, and she can’t wait to share her exclusively designed collection with the quilt and crafting community.
Stacy approaches designing a collection like telling a story – a skill honed and inspired by many years of reading books to her kids. When she is not creating, Stacy enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, and working in her garden and yard.
IG: @stacyiesthsu
Website: stacyiesthsu.com
Pinterest: @stacyiesthsu
Learn more about Stacy on Moda's Designer page.
Patterns- here