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Stitch Pink 2022 with Cathe Holden and Leather & Lace and Amazing Grace
Stitch Pink 2022 with Cathe Holden and Leather & Lace and Amazing Grace
In 2019 Cathe Holden joined our team of fabulous Moda designers. In the summer of 2020, during the height of the Corona Virus Pandemic, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Specifically, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma that had spread to her lymph nodes. In the Spring of 2022, Cathe and Linzee Kull McCray sat down to talk about her journey. Join Cathe and Linzee as they discuss Moda, fabric, breast cancer, family, life, Leather, Lace and Amazing Grace.
"Opportunity comes in many forms. For Moda designer Cathe Holden, her latest was designing fabric for October’s Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The “opportunity”came about because of Cathe’s personal experience with breast cancer, and while it’s one she could do without, she took on the challenge. The result is Leather, Lace, & Amazing Grace." -Linzee Kull McCray
Below we will hear all about how Cathe and how she came to be part of the Moda family.
From Cathe in 2020:
"How I Found My Cancer, The Women Who May Have Saved My Life, and My Attempt to Pay It Forward:
Using a memory-foam travel-pillow and cute postage sticker, here is my modest attempt to illustrate what lead to the discovery of my breast cancer. It’s an aggressive cancer that has been working hard, apparently, to invade the rest of my body. One morning while looking in the mirror, pre-shower, I noticed my left “sticker” wasn’t quite behaving the same as my right. Then I noticed a very small and subtle dimple just off to the side, like the one shown there on the pillow, that like mine can barely be seen. No matter how I moved, the dimple remained, as if something were pulling it from the inside. Why notice a dimple? For that I thank brave women like Claire Warner, Lisa Royle, and Sherrie Rhodes (Google them) who each at different times shared a photo of their actual breast dimple on social media. One of those images crossed my view at some point in the past. Pressing into my dimple I felt a lump. I messaged my gynecologist and had an exam the very next day, was sent for a diagnostic mammogram that led to an ultrasound which led to biopsies which led to surgery for a lumpectomy and removal of 9 lymph nodes, 4 of which were cancerous. (The good people at @kpthrive do not waste time!) I currently have stage 3A breast cancer and begin chemo very soon.
So my message to you is PLEASE LOOK AT YOUR BREASTS! If you ever notice one that just isn’t like the other, see to it. Women AND men! Had I not, I'd be telling a very different story today. I am extremely hopeful for a full recovery and will continue to do all the creative things I love whenever and as much as I can. I’m not going away, I’ve got too much to share!
2022 UPDATE: I’m still here. Treatment was as hard as you’d expect and then some and side effects continue to affect me, but I’m grateful to still be here to share my story and my life". -Cathe Holden
Join us tomorrow for Episodes 3 & 4 when Cathe talks about her Stitch Pink fabric line, Leather & Lace and Amazing Grace.
For resources and information, please visit https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org
To make a donation to NBCF and help get women access to the education, screening, and support they need, click HERE
Moda is a proud supporter of the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
INSTAGRAM: @CatheHolden
FACEBOOK: Cathe Holden Design