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Echo Stars
Echo Stars
When I saw Deb Stain’s collection Effie’s Woods, my heart melted as my son & daughter-in-law had announced that they were expecting in September of 2021. As they had decided not to find out the gender of the new arrival, I knew I would have to make a gender-neutral quilt and this was absolutely a joy to work with.. Well, the newest family member is a little girl, Zoey. As you can see from the photos the collection, Effie’s Woods is a perfect match for the nursery
Read all directions before you begin.
All seams are ¼ “.
Press seams to the darker fabric
Finished Quilt: 59 x 65 inches
Finished Block: 18”
Yardage is based on 42” wide fabric.
- 2 yards of background fabric {9900-127 Moda Bella Solid Feather}
- 1 fat quarter of Fabric 1 {56013-12 – yellow words}
- 1 fat quarter of Fabric 2 {56011-12 – yellow critters}
- ½ yard of Fabric 3 {56018-13 – yellow wood grain}
- ½ yard of Fabric 4 {56012-12 – yellow foliage}
- 1 fat quarter of Fabric 5 {56013-14 – green words}
- 1 yard of Fabric 6 {56011-14 – green critters}
- ½ yard of Fabric 7 {56018-17 – green wood grain}
- ½ yard of Fabric 8 {56012-14 – green foliage}
- 0.75 yard of fabric for binding
- 4 yards of fabric for quilt backing
Make 9 Echo Stars (make 5 yellow stars blocks and 4 green star blocks):
For the five yellow stars cut the following:
Background fabric:
[2] 4 inch WOF (width of fabric) strips
- Sub cut into [15] 4 ich squares {A}
[4] WOF 3.5 inch strips
- sub cut into [20] 3.5 x 6.5 inch rectangles {C}
[2] WOF 7.25 inch strips
- sub cut into [8] 7.25 inch squares {E}
Fabric 1 (yellow words)
[10] 4” squares {B for half square triangles HST}
Fabric 2 (yellow critters)
[10] 3.5 inch squares
Fabric 3 (yellow wood grain)
[4] 4 inch WOF strips
- sub cut into [37 = 32 for 4 at a time flying geese + 5 for HSTs] 4 inch squares
- draw a line diagonally from corner to corner on the wrong side of each square
Fabric 4 (yellow foliage)
[2] 6.5 inch WOF strips
- sub cut into [10] 6.5 inch squares
Make 20 half square triangles for the block corners.
You will need [10] 4 inch background squares and [10] 4 inch squares of Fabric 1
Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the yellow word fabric 1’s 4-inch squares. Place (1) 4-inch square of background fabric right sides together with a 4-inch square of yellow word fabric square. Sew ¼” away from each side of the marked line. Trim apart on the line and press. Trim to 3 ½ inches square.
Make 10 half square triangles for the stars
You will need [5] 4 inch background fabric squares and [5] 4 inch squares of Fabric 3
Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the yellow word wood grain Fabric 3’s 4-inch squares. Place (1) 4-inch square of background fabric right sides together with a 4-inch square of yellow wood grain fabric square. Sew ¼” away from each side of the marked line. Trim apart on the line and press. Trim to 3 ½ inches square.
Make 32 Flying Geese using the 4 at a time no waste method