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BH4-Block 12

BH4-Block 12

Written by: 

Hello Friends!

   Thank you so much for being a part of MODA BLOCKHEADS 4!  This is my first BLOCKHEADS experience, and I am THRILLED to be joining in the fun!


Deb Strain- Holly Berry Tree Farm


   My block is #12, and it is called “Friendship Star.”

I’ve used my upcoming Christmas collection, “Holly Berry Tree Farm,” and hope to create a red and white Christmas quilt using some pattern blocks from BLOCKHEADS round 4.  Keep reading to get the instructions for Block 12, and a sneak peek into “Holly Berry Tree Farm,” which is arriving at your favorite Quilt Store soon!


BH-4- Friendship Star


   Although I have been designing fabric for MODA for over 25 years, I am a VERY novice quilter!  (I spend my days drawing and painting)  My block,

“Friendship Star” is perfect for a beginner like me, especially with the help from Bella, our cat!

BH4 Friendship star-cat


   It took me several tries to get my points to match up-but I enjoyed EVERY minute!.....and…..HURRAY!!

-I have the start of my red and white Christmas quilt!  (Don’t look too close)


Friendship Star- 4



   Since I can’t give any Quilting tips or advice, I thought you might like to see some of my hand-drawn and painted artwork from “Holly Berry Tree Farm.”

Deb Strain Lineart


   Here is one of my favorite prints from the collection, along with the painting for each colorway.

Deb Strain- holly berry artwork


   One of my favorite things to do is visit Quilt Guilds and share my process of designing fabric and looking for a speaker for your Guild?  PM me on my Instagram account (@debstrain), and we can connect!

Deb Strain-quilt guild



   The quilt that I create from BLOCKHEADS 4 will be VERY simple!  I am so fortunate that my dear friend Barb Cherniwchan of @coachhousedesigns shares her unique talents!  She designs the most BEAUTIFUL quilt patterns using my collections.  Here are 2 of the four that she has created using “Holly Berry Tree Farm.”

Coach House Window shopping

At the tree farm pattern


   When “Holly Berry Tree Farm” starts arriving in stores (VERY SOON,) I’ll be doing a GIVEAWAY!  Be sure to follow my Instagram (@debstrain) to be a part of it! 

Deb Strain-giveaway



Happy Quilting! ~Deb

Be sure and follow Deb-

IG- @debstrain

If you're new and want to know how to join in, start making blocks.  Everything we've shared can be found here - Blockheads 4 - Archive.

If you'd like to receive an e-mail on Wednesday with each new blog post and the link to the instructions, you can sign up for that here - Inspiration+Resources Newsletter.

To receive the newsletter/e-mail, you need to sign up for it.

If you're on Facebook, check out the Blockheads Facebook group?  It's a big, supportive, lively group full of inspiration, ideas, and some great tips.  



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