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2019 Sewing Resolutions

2019 Sewing Resolutions

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Yes or no. Do you make New Year's resolutions?

We know how it starts - <fill in the blank> is the year I start doing everything right! Eat right. Exercise regularly. Get more sleep. Save money. Cut out sugar. Lose weight. Learn a new skill. Clean and organize every room in my house/apartment. Clean out quilting stuff I no longer need or use. Reduce my stash and stop signing up for Blocks of the Month.

Okay, wait... that's me. Those last few aren't on the "list of most common" resolutions.

While I will do my best to take better care of myself and be a better person, I have a much better chance of sticking to my New Year's Sewing Resolutions. They're a bit more achievable.

Because of course I can finish the twenty-seven Blocks of the Month I've accumulated over the years. Right?

Since I like lists, this is what I asked myself.

Less planning. More sewing.

Less starting. More finishing.

Less "comfort zone" projects. More challenges.

Less worrying about perfect! More smiling. And more sewing.

Less stash-building. More scrap-busting.

Less sewing with Netflix. More sewing with friends.

Less comparisons. More smiling and more sewing.

That last one is tricky. I've chatted with friends about this and we all agree, the time we spend "plugged in" is time we're not making and creating. As much as we enjoy the online quilting community with it's inspiration, it sometimes makes us feel a bit inadequate. Whether it's because we're not as skilled, prolific, stash-fortunate or well Liked-Followed as others, social media can be a "thief of joy". So perhaps...

Less scrolling. More making, creating, and sewing.

What about you?

Do you have any sewing-quilting resolutions for 2019?

Because it is a new year.

May 2019 bring you good fortune, good health and much happiness.

And a year filled with making.

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