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Oda May's Resolutions

Oda May's Resolutions

Written by: 
Oda May


Well, we are 11 days into the new year. That means you all have your sewing spaces organized, your APQ UFO lists filled out (and you're well on your way sewing through the first month's project), and you have contemplated all of the things you will accomplish this year. Whatever you are chasing - health, wealth, dreams or tangible things - you have a calendar on the wall tracking  your projects and goals down to the very last detail...

Or maybe not. Me, neither! This time of year can feel overwhelming with the idea that we should all be trying to become newer and better versions of ourselves. This is how I'm easing into 2017 and I hope you'll join me.

  1. Doing more with less. I don't know about you but I'm overwhelmed with stuff. Household items, crafting supplies, unfinished projects. Baskets and bins and boxes to organize all of those things. My main goal of the year is to donate and sell things I know I won't use. I already found a home for some of my unfinished quilt tops with the charity sewing group of a local quilt guild and I feel good knowing they will be finished and go to live with someone who needs them. Re-purpose and re-home!
  2. Finding the joy. Quilting and sewing are a hobby! Even if you make your living in the industry, don't forget that this is art we are making and there should be joy and pleasure in the process.
  3. Being there, in person. Social media is wonderful and inspiring and it almost feels like you are still in touch with the folks you don't see very often, but it is definitely no substitute for face-to-face interactions. It's been way too long since I sat in a small group, working on hand sewing, sharing stories, tips, fabric, coffee, and laughter. This year I will get out and see my quilting friends more! Retreats, workshops, classes at my local quilt shop, and reconnecting are all on my must do list for the year.

Tell me, how are you settling in to the new year?


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