Closed Friday 1/10 Due To Inclement Weather



Written by: 
Oda May


Greetings, my dear readers! Today I am checking in to tell you about a few new things around these parts.

First...many readers have long requested that we share the finished size of the quilt/project at the top of the post. Done! You can now find finished dimensions near the top of the tutorial, typically just before the Ingredients list. The dimensions are also repeated at the end. It will take us a little bit of catching up to add this to older posts.

Second...earlier this year we added the Errata feature to allow you to easily find updated PDFs (just click here to see the feed of updated tutorials). Newer Printer Friendly files have the date of publication in the footer so you can be sure your printed version is current.  But that's not all! I have a marvelous tip for you to stay on top of those projects you want to make. Simply comment on the project post and check the box for "Notify me of new comments via email."


You will need to comment using your email address to take advantage of this feature, but we think you will find it very useful. When we update the tutorial with corrections or added information, the Chef or our Editor makes a comment below about what was updated. You will automatically receive an email with the comment and a link to the post. How about that! Just be sure that you are commenting on the post for the project you want to make, not this Housekeeping post!

If you want to receive our new blog posts in your inbox, subscribe using the "Email Updates" box on the right side of the blog. It looks like this:



As always, we love to get your feedback on features that would make the Moda Bake Shop more useful and user-friendly for you. Just comment below or email me at modabakeshop{at}unitednotions{dot}com.

Quilting On,


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